Parts Manual for Castel/TCASV3GRBK/956003520/CA3TGV3
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1 TCOPRESV33TC PCB, Control Board - 3t °C Prestige V3 1
2 TKITLEDPRESV3 Led, Set Of 2 - Tt Prestige V3 1
3 TSONPRESV3TMT Sensors, Set Of 2 Temp. Mt/3t Prestige V3 1
4 TFAIBOPUPRESV3 Harness, Electrical - Mb Control Board 1
5 TBOPUPRESV3 PCB, Mother Board Including Wires 1
6 TC2R60050 Compressor, 220-240V/50Hz R600a 1
7 TCODEC2R60050 Capacitor, Starting - Emz32clc 1
8 TDESHY Drier, Filter 6.5mm 1
9 TBACPRESV3 Tray, Water Drip 1
10 TCON28GM Condenser, 28 Wires (Large Model) 1
13 TPATPRESV3 Receiver, Lock - Sd Gd Prestige V3 1
# 17 TRAIDPRESV3 Bar, Brassing (Large Model) 1
32 TCORPRESV3AU Cord, Power - Plug Au + Iec 1
33 TCOMPCHCAV3 Shelf, Whole Room Temperature Compartment 1
34 TCOMPRACAV3 Shelf, Whole Chilling Compartment 1
## 35 AXUHT Shelf, Storage X
* 36 ACUPHT Shelf, Sliding 11
** 37 TSUPAXUHT Brackets, Set Of 4 - For Storage Shelf Axuht X
38 TGUIACUPHT Rail, Set - Shelf Acupht 1
39 TCLFIPRESV3 Shelf, Bottom Grid - Prestige V3 1
40 TKLIEMZ32220 Relay, Kit - Klixon Emz32 220v/50hz 1
N/I TKITRFID Sensor, Door 1
N/I TPOUZ Cassette, Humidity 1